Mental wellbeing
Mental wellbeing
It is important to take care of your mental health during this difficult time. Click the buttons below for tips on how best to do this.
Contact numbers for support services
National Autistic Society For impartial, confidential information along with advice and support for autistic people and their families and carers. 0808 800 4104 |
CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) Help and online support to help and prevent suicide and depression 0800 585 858 |
Change Grow Live Confidential drug and alcohol service for young people 0808 169 8711 |
PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) Advice, support and mediation of health and care related matters in local trusts. 0800 587 2108 |
ChildLine Free advice and support for young people (under 19's). 0800 11 11 |
Family Lives Help and support for struggling families. 0808 800 2222 |
Lone Parent Helpline |
National Centre for Domestic Violence (NCDV) Advice and protection against domestic violence. 0800 970 2070 Text: NCDV to 60777 |
MIND Mental Health Advice and support to support mental health issues and promote awareness. 0208 215 2243 |
Family Action Text 07537 404 282 |
ManKind Initiative Support for male victims of domestic abuse and violence. 01823 334 244 |
Galop Practical and emotional support for the LGBT+ community who are experiencing domestic abuse and violence. 0800 999 5428 |