
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

PD and REACH Days

Our intent is to nurture happy, healthy young people who have the knowledge, academic achievement and strength of character to lead safe and successful lives in modern Britain, preparing them for their next steps in education or employment with a thirst for lifelong learning. We ensure that every member of our school community knows that we are committed to supporting their physical health, safety, and emotional wellbeing throughout their journey with us. At Lister Park we promote personal wellbeing and development through a comprehensive Personal Development tutor programme where PSHCE education gives our young people the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live safe, healthy, productive lives and meet their full potential.

Personal development is at the heart of our whole school ethos. We ensure each area of the personal development curriculum delivers all aspects of the statutory guidance and reflects our specific needs as a school community. As part of our personal development curriculum; SMSC and British Values, PSHE and RSE, Emotional Health and Wellbeing, and Careers are all delivered through the tutor programme and within curriculum areas. All our teachers are tutors who have the responsibility to deliver PD to their tutees. The academy provides training for all staff to ensure that all students get the very best we have to offer.

PD Programme (PSHCE)

We deliver PSHCE through our comprehensive PD tutor programme and dedicated PHSCE lessons as well as our assemblies and REACH days. Students are encouraged to develop their individual character, learn how to stay safe and healthy and develop knowledge to ensure they are well equipped for the Future. Our intent is to deliver a PSHCE curriculum which develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge and skills, which enables children to access the wider curriculum and to prepare students to be responsible citizens both now and in their future roles within a global community. Through our PD programme students will develop the necessary skills, knowledge, and personal attributes as part of a planned programme of regular sessions that addresses related factors such as valuing diversity, racism, drugs and alcohol, equality, prejudice, and health. Students will have accurate and relevant knowledge of PSHCE, as well as opportunities to create personal understanding. Our students will be given the opportunities through discussion to explore and challenge a range of values, attitudes, beliefs, rights, and responsibilities. Students will develop a range of skills and strategies to live a healthy, safe, fulfilling, responsible and balanced life. PSHCE education is taught during dedicated sessions throughout the school in every year group and through assemblies. It is monitored and reviewed regularly by Achievements leaders, ALT and the trust. All PSHCE teaching takes place in a safe learning environment and is underpinned by our school habits, ethos and values. Our PSHCE curriculum develops age appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding to fulfil the three strands of PSHE: health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world. An important part of the Relationships and Health and Wellbeing strands is Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), and as you may be aware, the government have made some alterations to how schools are required to deliver RSE lessons, which has been implemented at OALP as of September 2020. We have updated our RSE policy and the structure and format of the lessons that we will be delivering to students, ensuring they remain engaging and age appropriate, and cover the required areas of the curriculum. The development of the policy began in the Spring term during 2020, it has been written in a way that considers our needs as a school community through collaboration with all stakeholders. The consultation and policy development process followed an RSE implementation action plan that is available upon request.

Click here to read our full PD statement of intent


REACH (Respect, Excellence, Ambition, Commitment, Honesty) Days are OALP's drop down days, where students are encouraged to develop their individual character, learn how to stay safe and healthy, and develop knowledge, skills and understanding to fulfil the three strands of PSHCE.

  1. Health and wellbeing
  2. Relationships
  3. Living in the wider world (including careers)

To view our REACH Day timetable, please click here

Upcoming REACH Day:

The Prison! Me! No Way! workshops are always a hit with our students, these will take place on Monday 17th May as part of our REACH Day. For more information on this charity, please visit their website here.