Behaviour & Rewards
Academy Expectations
At Oasis academy Lister Park we are constantly striving to achieve our aim of:
“To deliver the best possible education, care and support to all our young people so that they may go on to live happy, healthy and successful lives.”
To help your child achieve their mission of:
“At OALP I developed strong moral habits, achieved exceptional outcomes that enabled me to have a happy and successful life”
We have a culture of High Expectations and No Excuses which is built upon the foundation stones of mutual respect and strong relationships. We know our young people well, care about them and want them to be successful. To support our young people to achieve the very best they can during their time with us, we use a Positive Discipline for learning framework that allows our students to receive praise and rewards for their efforts, achievements and successes (See Behaviour for Learning Policy). We also have a system of consequences at sanctions for the occasions where students fail to meet our High Expectations or do not make the right choices (See behaviour for Learning Policy). We feel this systems supports them in developing strong moral habits and becoming good citizens in the future. We also feel that this system will help them to develop and embed our values of Resilience, Excellence, Aspiration, Commitment and Honesty helping to develop young people who want the best for themselves and are accountable for their actions.
We have the Highest Expectations of our young people and expect all students to meet the expectations detailed below.
Perfect Uniform – Consisting of; Blazer, White shirt, black trousers, plain black footwear, relevant year coloured tie, face covering and an appropriate school bag
Arrive on time to school – You must arrive at your designated arrival time which is at least 5 minutes before the start of the academy day for your year group, (See below for start times)
Be at lesson on time every time – You must be at your lesson within three minutes of the end of the lesson, You must be in your line with your face mask on by the second whistle if you fail to do this you will be marked late. The sanctions for lateness are below we have high expectations for punctuality at OALP and expect all students to always be on time.
No answering back – We firmly believe in listening to our students however we believe that students and staff should engage in positive and polite conversations so we expect children to speak to adults with respect and wait until they have finished speaking before they speak doing so in a polite and respectful manner.
Be polite to everyone all the time – Good manners are an essential part of being successful in later life and we expect that all our students will be polite to everyone at all times when they are in the academy.
Do as you are asked first time – Following instructions is for essential success in any work place and doing this first time without complaint is our expectation as we want our classroom culture to be steeped in mutual respect, allowing all students to learn free from distractions.
Try my best – We want all students to achieve the best they possibly can during their time with us, to try to be the best they possible can be every minute of every lesson and not give up which helps to develop our core value of resilience.
Don’t disrupt others – We firmly believe that every child has the right to an excellent education, all teachers should be able to teach, and all students should be able to learn free from disruption or distractions. Disruption is not accepted within any classroom at OALP.
No coats, jackets or hoodies to be worn in the academy building as they are not part of our school uniform and the wearing of these breaks the school rule of wearing perfect uniform, they will be confiscated if not removed when asked to do so.
Move around the academy in the correct manner – This is for everyone’s safety and in such a large organisation it is critical that everyone is safe and follows the rules.
No Mobile phones are to be used on the school grounds – Mobile phones contribute to a lot of safeguarding issues in schools and provide a distraction that is not required for young people whilst in school, the expectation is that they should be not seen or heard on the academy grounds. Students cannot use a mobile phone inside or outside of the building at OALP. They will be confiscated if they are seen or heard on school grounds.
They below sanctions are in place for getting it wrong at OALP:
• Late to school = 30 minutes restore session
• Late to lesson twice in a day = 30 minutes restore session
• Late to lesson 4 times per week = 1 hour restore session
• Session Managed = 1 hour restore session
• Truancy = Timeout
• Negative Points are issued for equipment, uniform and minor infringements within the classroom and around school.
• The accumulation of negative points over a week and the half term result in restore sessions and time spent within the timeout room.
Restore Sessions are to be served the same day and students must attend their Restore Session that night so they are held accountable for their actions and can start fresh the next day with a clean slate.
We encourage a strong link between home and school and welcome your support to help your child to be successful at OALP. If you have any issues or queries please contact your child’s Year Leader in the first instance and they will be happy to help.
To view our behaviour for learning policy please click here.
To view our anti-bullying policy please click here.
Current Year Group Arrival Times (due to Covid-19)
Disciplinary Sanctions and Exclusions
Within our behaviour for learning policy you will find some further information in regards to our disciplinary process around exclusions. The academy will only use exclusion (fixed term or permament) only as a last resort. For further information please see section 5. Disciplinary Sanctions (Disciplinary Penalties) and section 8. Exclusions within our Behaviour for Learning Policy.