Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community


What is MCAS?

As an academy we know how important the communication between school and home is. We would like to thank you for your support in terms of encouraging your children with their academic success and we’d like to make this even easier for you.

We have introduced ‘My Child At School’, an app and internet based service that gives you more information about your child’s progress, behaviour and attendance, keeps you up-to-date with school news and even allows you to pay for school meals and trips online safely and securely.

The app allows you to see how many rewards you child is receiving, keep a track on their daily attendance and enables you to instantly access school letters and communications.

How do I access MCAS?

1)      Click www.mychildatschool.com to open the login page.

2)      Enter the following details: School ID, User ID and Password. This information has been sent home previously by letter.

3)      By ticking the Remember School ID and Username box it will retain these details for future logins leaving just the Password to be re-entered.

If you have any issues logging into your account, please contact the school admin office on 01274 362050 or by email on admin@oasislisterpark.org

My Child at School can also be downloaded as a free app from the Apple Store or Google Play.






Click here to view the MCAS parent guide

Thank you for your continued support.