Academy Lunches
The academy has now moved to a cashless payment system via the My Child At School (MCAS) app. Please ensure you have downloaded the app from the Google Play or Apple Store and logged in. All parents have received a letter and a text message with their login details. Please contact the academy if you have not received either of these. For more information on MCAS, please click here.
We politely request that parents ensure their child has enough funds on their account to purchase their meals.
At lunchtime we encourage students to have an academy meal. These are cooked on site and are nutritionally balanced. We always offer a choice including vegetarian and Halal.
Alternatively students may bring a packed lunch. We ask parents and carers providing packed lunches to choose healthy options with a balanced selection of food including fruit and vegetables, juice and/or water. These will help your child to stay healthy and to concentrate in lessons. We kindly ask that parents do not place sweets or sugary drinks in packed lunches. Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school each day which can be refilled at our fountains.
If your child is eligible or you think is eligible for Free School Meals, can you click on the link below and complete the application. A confirmation will be sent directly to the school and this will then be linked to your child’s account